5. 风险评估(什么留下了什么掩埋了试图关闭的东西)(2021年) by Catalina Ouyang 高清作品[37%]

risk assessment (What left what buried what tried to close) (2021)

材质 :Wood, found chair, discarded security camera, paper pulp, plaster, beeswax, oil paint, epoxy clay, steel, oyster shells, horse hair 尺寸 :104.1 × 66 × 53.3 cm Sculpture


英文名称:risk assessment (What left what buried what tried to close) (2021)-Catalina Ouyang

10. 当他问你需要从商店买什么,然后带着除了你要的东西以外的所有东西回来时(2019年) by Miranda Tacchia 高清作品[35%]

When he asks what you need from the store and comes back with everything except what you asked for (2019)

材质 :Marker and ink on paper 尺寸 :10.2 × 15.2 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper


英文名称:When he asks what you need from the store and comes back with everything except what you asked for (2019)-Miranda Tacchia