7. 新西兰Vognsrup庄园附近一条乡村公路。画家J·Th。伦德拜素描` A Country Road near Vognserup Manor, Zealand. The Painter J.Th. Lundbye Sketching by the Roadside (1848 ~ 1849) by the Roadside by P. C. Skovgaard 高清作品[44%]

A Country Road near Vognserup Manor, Zealand. The Painter J.Th. Lundbye Sketching by the Roadside (1848 ~ 1849) -

图片文件尺寸: 6944 x 4727px


~ A Country Road near Vognserup Manor, Zealand. The Painter J.Th. Lundbye Sketching by the Roadside (1848 ~ 1849) --P. C. Skovgaard (丹麦画家, 1817 – 1875)