1. 卢德城堡(Sarthe)图书馆的一幅壁画设计,描绘了骑手在一处风景一个露奈特(lunette)设计的风景` Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) by Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise 高清作品[60%]

Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) -

图片文件尺寸: 3697 x 1827px


~ Mural design picturing riders in a landscape for a lunette in the library of the Chateau de Lude (Sarthe) (19th Century) --Jules-Edmond-Charles Lachaise (法国艺术家, ?-1897)

9. 手穿过边缘,木头上有裂缝,三条线和一幅景画。(2018年) by Susanne S. D. Themlitz 高清作品[53%]

A mão passa pela aresta, a madeira com fenda, três linhas e uma paisagem. (2018) | Available for Sale

材质 :Plywood, acrylic glass, tile, stone, modeling paste 尺寸 :136.5 × 64 × 40 cm Sculpture

手穿过边缘,木头上有裂缝,三条线和一幅景画。(2018年)-苏珊娜·S·D·塞姆利茨(Portuguese-German, b. 1968)

英文名称:A mão passa pela aresta, a madeira com fenda, três linhas e uma paisagem. (2018) | Available for Sale-Susanne S. D. Themlitz