1. 卡尔,卡拉库尔国王。曾是苏格斯坎军队士兵,现在叛逃到法式英语和国。喀布尔法式英语东印度公司雇佣富商。还有,一位来自Khnemu新教徒。(2021年) by Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers) 高清作品[42%]

Karl, the Karakul King. Former soldier of the Sugsrcane Army, now defected to the Frenglish Republic. A wealthy merchant in the employ of the Frenglish East India Company in Kabul. Also, an initiate in the Order of Khnemu. (2021) | Available for Sale

材质 :Mica Flake Silkscreen and Inkjet on Rives BFK Paper 尺寸 :50.8 × 39.4 cm Print


英文名称:Karl, the Karakul King. Former soldier of the Sugsrcane Army, now defected to the Frenglish Republic. A wealthy merchant in the employ of the Frenglish East India Company in Kabul. Also, an initiate in the Order of Khnemu. (2021) | Available for Sale-Umar Rashid (Frohawk Two Feathers)