3. 一个蓝色和白色的人物罐和一个蓝色和白色的龙凤碗,中国20世纪 - A-蓝白-#x27;图#x27-蓝白相间的罐子#x27;龙凤#x27-20世纪的中国 高清作品[42%]

A blue and white figures jar and a blue and white dragon and phoenix bowl, China, <em>20</em>th century-A-blue-and-white-#x27;figures#x27;-jar-and-a-blue-and-white-#x27;dragon-and-phoenix#x27;-bowl-China-<em>20</em>th-century

A blue and white figures jar and a blue and white dragon and phoenix bowl, China, 20th century-A-blue-and-white-#x27;figures#x27;-jar-and-a-blue-and-white-#x27;dragon-and-phoenix#x27;-bowl-China-20th-century

4. 一个建筑随想曲,有一传教使徒和废墟人物,包括盖尤斯·塞斯提乌斯金字塔、特拉詹斯柱和贾努斯拱门 - 乔瓦尼·保罗·帕尼尼圈 高清作品[40%]

An architectural capriccio with a preaching apostle and figures before ruins, including the pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Trajans column and the arch of Janus-Circle-of-Giovanni-Paolo-Panini

An architectural capriccio with a preaching apostle and figures before ruins, including the pyramid of Gaius Cestius, Trajans column and the arch of Janus-Circle-of-Giovanni-Paolo-Panini