5. 女子与孩子,德累斯顿三联`Virgin and Child, Dresden Triptych by Jan van Eyck 高清作品[30%]

AF-Virgin and Child, Dresden Triptych

图片文件尺寸: 6593×8500 px


-Jan van Eyck ( 1390-1441) was a painter active in Bruges who was one of the early innovators of what became known as Early Netherlandish painting, and one of the most significant representatives of Early Northern Renaissance art.

The Dresden Triptych (or Virgin and Child with St. Michael and St. Catherine and a Donor, or Triptych of the Virgin and Child) is a very small hinged-triptych altarpiece by the Early Netherlandish.

The paintings of the two outer wings become visible when the triptych is closed. They show the Virgin Mary and Archangel Gabriel in an Annunciation scene painted in grisaille, which because of their near-monochrome colouring give the impression that the figures are sculpted. The three inner panels are set in an ecclesiastical interior. In the central inner panel Mary is seated and holds the Christ Child on her lap. On the left hand wing Archangel Michael presents a kneeling donor, while on the right St. Catherine of Alexandria stands reading a prayer book.

Virgin and Child, Dresden Triptych (Oil on Canvas), by Jan van Eyck

6. 有孩子的女子(中央小组)圣安德鲁和弗朗西斯(内侧)三联` The Virgin with Child (central panel); Saints Andrew and Francis (inner side) Triptych (1530) by Ambrosius Benson 高清作品[27%]

The Virgin with Child (central panel); Saints Andrew and Francis (inner side) Triptych (1530) -

图片文件尺寸: 6843 x 3797px


` The Virgin with Child (central panel); Saints Andrew and Francis (inner side) Triptych (1530) --Ambrosius Benson (荷兰艺术家, 1519-1550)

8. 设计一幅正面一名男子引导一名加冕女子及其侍从进入宫殿` Design for a Frontispiece; A Man Guiding a Crowned Woman and her Attendants to the Entrance of a Palace (ca. 1640–60) by Grégoire Huret 高清作品[25%]

Design for a Frontispiece; A Man Guiding a Crowned Woman and her Attendants to the Entrance of a Palace (ca. 1640–60) -

图片文件尺寸: 2190 x 3459px


~ Design for a Frontispiece; A Man Guiding a Crowned Woman and her Attendants to the Entrance of a Palace (ca. 1640–60) --Grégoire Huret (法国艺术家, 1606-1670)