2. 这是一幅在古代遗迹有牧羊人和牧羊女的景画,还有卡斯特和波卢克斯的雕像以及远处的万神殿` A Landscape With Shepherds And Shepherdesses Among Ancient Ruins, With The Statue Of Castor And Pollux And The Pantheon Beyond by Hubert Robert 高清作品[46%]

A Landscape With Shepherds And Shepherdesses Among Ancient Ruins, With The Statue Of Castor And Pollux And The Pantheon Beyond-

图片文件尺寸: 4260 x 3178px


` A Landscape With Shepherds And Shepherdesses Among Ancient Ruins, With The Statue Of Castor And Pollux And The Pantheon Beyond--Hubert Robert (法国艺术家, 1733-1808)

4. Jean Braudillard(2019)的《物体系统》一书“边缘物体/古代物体”一章的手写抄本 by Jose Vera Matos 高清作品[38%]

Transcripción a mano del Capítulo “Objeto marginal/objeto antiguo” del libro “El sistema de los objetos de Jean Braudillard (2019)

材质 :Fo 尺寸 :47 × 35 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

Jean Braudillard(2019)的《物体系统》一书“边缘物体/古代物体”一章的手写抄本-何塞·维拉·马托斯(Peruvian, b. 1981)

英文名称:Transcripción a mano del Capítulo “Objeto marginal/objeto antiguo” del libro “El sistema de los objetos de Jean Braudillard (2019)-Jose Vera Matos

5. 他们在古代土壤追踪蹄印的轮廓,发现甚至她也有他的偶蹄(2021年) by Melissa Kime 高清作品[38%]

tracing outlines of hoof prints in the ancient soils, they noticed that even she had his cloven foot (2021)

材质 :Acrylic, watercolour, oil bar and pencil on paper 尺寸 :29 × 21 cm Drawing, Collage or other Work on Paper

他们在古代土壤追踪蹄印的轮廓,发现甚至她也有他的偶蹄(2021年)-梅丽莎·基姆(British, b. 1989)

英文名称:tracing outlines of hoof prints in the ancient soils, they noticed that even she had his cloven foot (2021)-Melissa Kime