9. 白狼伙伴 - 5700×5700px 高清作品[42%]

AF971B930-White Wolf Mates

图片文件尺寸 : 5700×5700 px

白狼伙伴-White Wolf Mates

-Wolf Mates
Sometimes looking
Different ways
They stay
Facing the world
Two makes
The moon and stars brighter
And everything better
Living and loving
As one heart
As one spirit

White Wolf Mates prose by Carol Cavalaris

This artwork of two white wolf mates laying together in the glow of a big white moon and starlit sky, is from the Spirit Of The Wild -Wolves collection of wildlife art by Carol Cavalaris.

10. 野眼-白狼 - 3000×1200px 高清作品[42%]

AF9533B39-Wild Eyes - White Wolf

图片文件尺寸 : 3000×1200 px

野眼-白狼-Wild Eyes - White Wolf

-This artwork of an Arctic White Wolf with emphasis on the piercing blue eyes is from the Wild Eyes Collection of animal art by Carol Cavalaris.