7. 研究中带斧头的刽子手的服装圣约萨法特·昆采维奇殉道` Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting ;Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) by Józef Simmler 高清作品[25%]

Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting ;Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) -

图片文件尺寸: 2659 x 3892px

研究中带斧头的刽子手的服装圣约萨法特·昆采维奇殉道-Józef Simmler

` Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting ;Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) --Józef Simmler (波兰家, 1823-1868)

8. 研究中带斧头的刽子手的服装圣约萨法特·昆采维奇殉道` Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) by Józef Simmler 高清作品[25%]

Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) -

图片文件尺寸: 2659 x 3892px

研究中带斧头的刽子手的服装圣约萨法特·昆采维奇殉道-Józef Simmler

~ Study of clothing of the executioner with an axe to the painting Martyrdom of St. Josaphat Kuntsevych (1861) --Józef Simmler (波兰家, 1823-1868)