头像图片清新夏天手绘 组图

十七岁`Age of Seventeen by Carl Larsson

十七岁`Age of Seventeen by Carl Larsson

我留下的那个女孩,1872年`The Girl I Left Behind Me, 1872 by Eastman Johnson

我留下的那个女孩,1872年`The Girl I Left Behind Me, 1872 by Eastman Johnson

我们帝国的女儿,英格兰——报春花`The Daughter Of Our Empire, England – The Primrose

我们帝国的女儿,英格兰——报春花`The Daughter Of Our Empire, England – The Primrose

法学,1903年`Jurisprudence, 1903 by Gustav Klimt

法学,1903年`Jurisprudence, 1903 by Gustav Klimt

塞西莉亚·加莱拉尼,戴着貂皮的女士`Cecilia Gallerani, The Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

塞西莉亚·加莱拉尼,戴着貂皮的女士`Cecilia Gallerani, The Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci

工作中断`Work Interrupted

工作中断`Work Interrupted

女性裸体站立,三大猩猩研究,贝多芬雕带`Standing Female Nude, Study for the Three Gorgons, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

女性裸体站立,三大猩猩研究,贝多芬雕带`Standing Female Nude, Study for the Three Gorgons, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

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