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阿米达花园`The Garden of Armida by John Collier

阿米达花园`The Garden of Armida by John Collier

公正的反思,·A Fair Reflection, 19th century by John William Godward

公正的反思,·A Fair Reflection, 19th century by John William Godward

鬼脸和痛苦-萨尔廷班克斯`Grimaces and Misery – Les Saltimbanques by Fernand Pelez

鬼脸和痛苦-萨尔廷班克斯`Grimaces and Misery – Les Saltimbanques by Fernand Pelez

奥菲莉亚`Ophelia by Placido Frances y Pascual

奥菲莉亚`Ophelia by Placido Frances y Pascual

1865年的春天`Gentle Spring, 1865 by Frederick Sandys

1865年的春天`Gentle Spring, 1865 by Frederick Sandys

圣塞西利亚`Saint Cecilia by Sassoferrato

圣塞西利亚`Saint Cecilia by Sassoferrato

橘子树,艺术家在花园里的兄弟`The Orange Trees, The Artist\’s Brother in His Garden by Gustave Caillebotte

橘子树,艺术家在花园里的兄弟`The Orange Trees, The Artist\’s Brother in His Garden by Gustave Caillebotte

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