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劳拉·埃德加被捕`The Capture of Laura Edgar by Charles Marion Russell

劳拉·埃德加被捕`The Capture of Laura Edgar by Charles Marion Russell

没有怜悯的美丽女士`The Beautiful Lady Without Pity by Arthur Hughes

没有怜悯的美丽女士`The Beautiful Lady Without Pity by Arthur Hughes

证词`The Deposition

证词`The Deposition

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

戴红帽子的女士,麦琪·威尔逊的肖像,1904年`Lady with a Red Hat, Portrait of Maggie Wilson, 1904 by Frank Duveneck

斯文德博格松的风景,一个安静的夏日`Scenery From Svendborgsund, A Quiet Summer Day

斯文德博格松的风景,一个安静的夏日`Scenery From Svendborgsund, A Quiet Summer Day

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

风暴之魂,雨与雷雨之魂,1900年`The Storm Spirits, spirits of Rain and Thunderclouds, 1900 by Evelyn De Morgan

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