水彩画房子风景画 组图

Little girl in a red waistcoat (1926)  by Tadeusz Makowski

红色背心的小女孩` Little girl in a red waistcoat (1926) by Tadeusz Makowski

监视断路器`Watching the Breakers by Winslow Homer

监视断路器`Watching the Breakers by Winslow Homer

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

女帽`The Milliner

女帽`The Milliner

1827年,从克里斯蒂亚附近的瓦克罗眺望`View from Vaekero near Christiania, 1827 by Johan Christian Dahl

1827年,从克里斯蒂亚附近的瓦克罗眺望`View from Vaekero near Christiania, 1827 by Johan Christian Dahl

女孩用玫瑰装饰圣母玛利亚`Girl Adorns The Virgin Mary With A Rose

女孩用玫瑰装饰圣母玛利亚`Girl Adorns The Virgin Mary With A Rose

保姆和孩子`Nanny And Child

保姆和孩子`Nanny And Child

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