幼儿园迎元旦水彩画 组图

阿波罗和灶神星`Apollo and Vesta by Francois Andre Vincent

阿波罗和灶神星`Apollo and Vesta by Francois Andre Vincent

代尔夫特盆地`The Delft Basin by Antoine Jean Etienne Faivre

代尔夫特盆地`The Delft Basin by Antoine Jean Etienne Faivre

午睡`Siesta by Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta

午睡`Siesta by Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta

奥菲莉亚`Ophelia by Placido Frances y Pascual

奥菲莉亚`Ophelia by Placido Frances y Pascual

《囚犯》,1908年`The Prisoner, 1908 by Evelyn De Morgan

《囚犯》,1908年`The Prisoner, 1908 by Evelyn De Morgan

麦当娜和婴儿耶稣`Madonna with infant Jesus by Hans Zatzka

麦当娜和婴儿耶稣`Madonna with infant Jesus by Hans Zatzka

我们的第一次争吵`Our First Tiff by Robert Walker Macbeth

我们的第一次争吵`Our First Tiff by Robert Walker Macbeth

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