水彩画胡德夫作品欣赏 组图

年轻女子凝视着头骨`Young Woman Contemplating a Skull by Alessandro Casolano

年轻女子凝视着头骨`Young Woman Contemplating a Skull by Alessandro Casolano

一名埃及男子带着孩子`Egyptian Fellah Woman with her Child

一名埃及男子带着孩子`Egyptian Fellah Woman with her Child

凯斯顿夫人`Lady Kyston

凯斯顿夫人`Lady Kyston

艺术家的梦想`The Artist\’s Dream

艺术家的梦想`The Artist\’s Dream

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

圣阿加莎,西西里岛的阿加莎`Saint Agatha, Agatha of Sicily by Massimo Stanzione

圣阿加莎,西西里岛的阿加莎`Saint Agatha, Agatha of Sicily by Massimo Stanzione

双腿交叉的女孩`Girl With Crossed Legs

双腿交叉的女孩`Girl With Crossed Legs

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