画展水彩画现场 组图

棕榈泉卡斯特罗斯子爵夫人`The Viscountess Castlerosse, Palm Springs by Sir John Lavery

棕榈泉卡斯特罗斯子爵夫人`The Viscountess Castlerosse, Palm Springs by Sir John Lavery

戴着红玫瑰的女士肖像,1874年`Portrait of a Lady with Red Rose, 1874 by Ilya Repin

戴着红玫瑰的女士肖像,1874年`Portrait of a Lady with Red Rose, 1874 by Ilya Repin

阿金泰尔附近的杨树`Poplars near Argenteuil

阿金泰尔附近的杨树`Poplars near Argenteuil

Seated lady in a Spanish dress by Isaac Israëls

坐在西班牙礼服的女士` Seated lady in a Spanish dress by Isaac Israëls

木卫三的绑架`The Abduction of Ganymede by Tuscan Painter

木卫三的绑架`The Abduction of Ganymede by Tuscan Painter

西班牙伊莎贝尔一世`Isabel I I Of Spain

西班牙伊莎贝尔一世`Isabel I I Of Spain

青春期`Puberty by Edvard Munch

青春期`Puberty by Edvard Munch

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