范曾肖像画 组图

营救`To The Rescue

营救`To The Rescue

第一次圣餐`The First Communion by Elizabeth Nourse

第一次圣餐`The First Communion by Elizabeth Nourse

波斯大不里士的Caravenserai商业`Mercantile Caravenserai in Tabriz, Persia by Jules Laurens

波斯大不里士的Caravenserai商业`Mercantile Caravenserai in Tabriz, Persia by Jules Laurens

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape`
Woman in a Turban (1911)  by Georges Lepape

一个头巾的妇女由Georges Lepape` Woman in a Turban (1911) by Georges Lepape

《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

《玫瑰圣母》,1903年`The Madonna of the Roses, 1903 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

有孩子、房子和划艇的群岛风光`An Archipelago Scenery With Children, Houses And A Rowing Boat

有孩子、房子和划艇的群岛风光`An Archipelago Scenery With Children, Houses And A Rowing Boat

死亡与少女`Death and the Maiden by Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl

死亡与少女`Death and the Maiden by Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl

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