油画写实人物美国 组图

花园里拿着阳伞的女人`Woman with a Parasol in a Garden

花园里拿着阳伞的女人`Woman with a Parasol in a Garden

在Renteria洗澡`Bathing in Renteria

在Renteria洗澡`Bathing in Renteria

女奴`The slave girl by Charles Wilda

女奴`The slave girl by Charles Wilda



给鼓手的饮料`A Drink for the Drummer by Eduard Charlemont

给鼓手的饮料`A Drink for the Drummer by Eduard Charlemont

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

《闭上的眼睛》,1889年`The Closed Eyes, 1889 by Odilon Redon

《闭上的眼睛》,1889年`The Closed Eyes, 1889 by Odilon Redon

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