中俄油画大师 组图

窗边的女孩`Girl At The Window

窗边的女孩`Girl At The Window

A Woman Seated at a Bench on the Avenue du Bois (1885)  by Berthe Morisot

一个女人坐在大道杜比斯的长凳上` A Woman Seated at a Bench on the Avenue du Bois (1885) by Berthe Morisot

李尔王,第一幕,第一场,科迪利亚的告别`King Lear, Act I, Scene I, Cordelia\’s Farewell

李尔王,第一幕,第一场,科迪利亚的告别`King Lear, Act I, Scene I, Cordelia\’s Farewell

圣彼得的否认`The Denial of St Peter

圣彼得的否认`The Denial of St Peter

公主和猴子`The Princess and the Monkey

公主和猴子`The Princess and the Monkey

玛德琳在爱之谷`Madeleine in the Bois d\’Amour by Emile Bernard

玛德琳在爱之谷`Madeleine in the Bois d\’Amour by Emile Bernard

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

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