油画及其艺术特色论文 组图

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

甜美的梦`Sweet Dreams

甜美的梦`Sweet Dreams

《带梨的女子与孩子》,1512年`Virgin and Child with a Pear, 1512 by Albrecht Durer

《带梨的女子与孩子》,1512年`Virgin and Child with a Pear, 1512 by Albrecht Durer

《完美的受孕》,1680年`The Immaculate Conception, 1680 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

《完美的受孕》,1680年`The Immaculate Conception, 1680 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

一位老太太的肖像`Portrait of an Elderly Lady by Mary Cassatt

一位老太太的肖像`Portrait of an Elderly Lady by Mary Cassatt

精品店`The Fancy Goods Store by Alexandre Lunois

精品店`The Fancy Goods Store by Alexandre Lunois

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰的孩子`Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist by Guido Reni

圣母玛利亚和圣约翰的孩子`Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist by Guido Reni

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