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梅·萨托里斯肖像`Portrait of May Satoris

梅·萨托里斯肖像`Portrait of May Satoris

1901年托雷斯广场床上的西班牙人`Spaniard in the bed of the Plaza de Torres, 1901 by Ignacio Zuloaga

1901年托雷斯广场床上的西班牙人`Spaniard in the bed of the Plaza de Torres, 1901 by Ignacio Zuloaga

黑人圣母玛利亚`Black Virgin Mary by Russian Icon

黑人圣母玛利亚`Black Virgin Mary by Russian Icon

圣母与圣子伊丽莎白与施洗约翰`Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist by Quinten Massys

圣母与圣子伊丽莎白与施洗约翰`Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth and John the Baptist by Quinten Massys

一位老太太的肖像`Portrait of an Elderly Lady by Mary Cassatt

一位老太太的肖像`Portrait of an Elderly Lady by Mary Cassatt

蓝丝带`The Blue Ribbon by Alfred Stevens

蓝丝带`The Blue Ribbon by Alfred Stevens

圣·芭芭拉`Saint Barbara by Cristobal de Villalpando

圣·芭芭拉`Saint Barbara by Cristobal de Villalpando

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