大海风景油画初学 组图



圣母子`Madonna and Child by Michelangelo Buonarroti

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Michelangelo Buonarroti

玫瑰圣母`Our Lady of the Rosary by Juan de Uceda

玫瑰圣母`Our Lady of the Rosary by Juan de Uceda

海梅特斯之蜜,1891年`Honey of the Hymettus, 1891 by Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson

海梅特斯之蜜,1891年`Honey of the Hymettus, 1891 by Sarah Paxton Ball Dodson

耶弗他女儿的牺牲`The Sacrifice of Jephthah\’s Daughter by William Blake

耶弗他女儿的牺牲`The Sacrifice of Jephthah\’s Daughter by William Blake

一位21岁的年轻女士`A Young Lady Aged 21

一位21岁的年轻女士`A Young Lady Aged 21

加缪夫人`Madame Camus

加缪夫人`Madame Camus

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