会画油画的小狗 组图

拿蜡烛的女人`Woman with candle by Comerre Leon Francois

拿蜡烛的女人`Woman with candle by Comerre Leon Francois

黑人风景`Landscape with Black People

黑人风景`Landscape with Black People

罗马圣塞西莉亚`Saint Cecilia of Rome by Francesco Hayez

罗马圣塞西莉亚`Saint Cecilia of Rome by Francesco Hayez

圣母、耶稣和圣约翰浸信会`The Virgin, Jesus And Saint John Baptist by William Adolphe Bouguereau

圣母、耶稣和圣约翰浸信会`The Virgin, Jesus And Saint John Baptist by William Adolphe Bouguereau

春之歌`Songs of Spring by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

春之歌`Songs of Spring by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

孤儿女孩走进医院的食堂`Orphan Girls Entering the Refectory of a Hospital by Frederick Cayley Robinson

孤儿女孩走进医院的食堂`Orphan Girls Entering the Refectory of a Hospital by Frederick Cayley Robinson

《祈祷中的圣母》,1609-1685年`The Virgin in Prayer, 1609-1685 by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

《祈祷中的圣母》,1609-1685年`The Virgin in Prayer, 1609-1685 by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

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