邱邦本油画 组图

《一位女士的画像》,1916-1917年`Portrait of a Lady, 1916-1917 by Gustav Klimt

《一位女士的画像》,1916-1917年`Portrait of a Lady, 1916-1917 by Gustav Klimt

The Three Ages of the Woman (1905)  by Gustav Klimt

这个女人的三岁` The Three Ages of the Woman (1905) by Gustav Klimt

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

带着一只小狗的女人,还有一个女佣`Woman with a Lapdog, Accompanied by a Maidservant by Frans van Mieris

独角兽自卫` The Unicorn Defends Himself by Netherlandish School

独角兽自卫` The Unicorn Defends Himself by Netherlandish School

圣凯瑟琳与天使`Saint Catherine and Angels by Heinrich Mucke

圣凯瑟琳与天使`Saint Catherine and Angels by Heinrich Mucke

卡纳的婚姻`The Marriage at Cana by Thomas Duncan

卡纳的婚姻`The Marriage at Cana by Thomas Duncan

地拉那`Tirana by Francisco Goya

地拉那`Tirana by Francisco Goya

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