荷花藕水彩画 组图

猎人`The Huntresses by Friedrich Konig

猎人`The Huntresses by Friedrich Konig

1921年探索的结束`The End of the Quest, 1921 by Frank Dicksee

1921年探索的结束`The End of the Quest, 1921 by Frank Dicksee

划船派对`Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

划船派对`Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

贝拉德·格洛普`Berard Gloppe

贝拉德·格洛普`Berard Gloppe

玛丽·抹大拉的皈依`The Conversion of Mary Magdalene

玛丽·抹大拉的皈依`The Conversion of Mary Magdalene

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

荷兰女人站在左边的沙丘上`Dutchwoman, standing in the dunes to the left by Max Liebermann

海琳·莫尔肖像`Portrait Of Helene Marre

海琳·莫尔肖像`Portrait Of Helene Marre

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