油画的文字描述叫什么 组图

《圣母的假设》,1577-1579`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577-1579 by El Greco

《圣母的假设》,1577-1579`The Assumption of the Virgin, 1577-1579 by El Greco

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

雾中的女儿`Daughters of the Mist by Evelyn De Morgan

雾中的女儿`Daughters of the Mist by Evelyn De Morgan

理查德、格洛斯特公爵和安妮夫人`Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and the Lady Anne by Edwin Austin Abbey

理查德、格洛斯特公爵和安妮夫人`Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and the Lady Anne by Edwin Austin Abbey

Jeanne Wenz,巴士底狱的一名律师,1888年`Jeanne Wenz, A la Bastille, 1888 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Jeanne Wenz,巴士底狱的一名律师,1888年`Jeanne Wenz, A la Bastille, 1888 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

《算命记》,1920年`The Fortune Telling, 1920 by Julio Romero de Torres

《算命记》,1920年`The Fortune Telling, 1920 by Julio Romero de Torres

带石榴的女孩`Girl With A Pomegranate

带石榴的女孩`Girl With A Pomegranate

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