武亦姝油画作品 组图

小朝圣者`The Little Pilgrim

小朝圣者`The Little Pilgrim

马里亚纳在南方,1897年`Mariana in the South, 1897 by John William Waterhouse

马里亚纳在南方,1897年`Mariana in the South, 1897 by John William Waterhouse

击剑手`The Fencer by Jean Beraud

击剑手`The Fencer by Jean Beraud

麦克白夫人,1784年`Lady Macbeth, 1784 by Henry Fuseli

麦克白夫人,1784年`Lady Macbeth, 1784 by Henry Fuseli

查尔斯·吉福德·戴尔夫人,玛丽·安东尼`Mrs. Charles Gifford Dyer, Mary Anthony by John Singer Sargent

查尔斯·吉福德·戴尔夫人,玛丽·安东尼`Mrs. Charles Gifford Dyer, Mary Anthony by John Singer Sargent

Woman in Muslin Dress (Femme en robe de mousseline) (1917)  by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

柔滑的妇女在柔滑的妇女(妇女在柔滑的妇女穿戴)` Woman in Muslin Dress (Femme en robe de mousseline) (1917) by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

生命的滴滴,1924年`Drops of Life, 1924 by Nicholas Roerich

生命的滴滴,1924年`Drops of Life, 1924 by Nicholas Roerich

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