自媒体 超写实油画 组图

麦当娜和孩子,大理石雕塑`Madonna and Child, Marble Sculpture by Michelangelo

麦当娜和孩子,大理石雕塑`Madonna and Child, Marble Sculpture by Michelangelo

受伤的丹麦战士`A Wounded Danish Warrior

受伤的丹麦战士`A Wounded Danish Warrior

1901年在博斯山`On Bos\’n\’s Hill, 1901 by Edmund Charles Tarbell

1901年在博斯山`On Bos\’n\’s Hill, 1901 by Edmund Charles Tarbell

年轻妇女和儿童`Young Woman And Child

年轻妇女和儿童`Young Woman And Child

巴黎咖啡馆`Cafe de Paris by Albert Guillaume

巴黎咖啡馆`Cafe de Paris by Albert Guillaume

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

穿黄色连衣裙的女士`The Lady in the Yellow Dress by Charles Edward Perugini

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