情侣头像油画男女跳舞版 组图

蚊帐`The Mosquito Net

蚊帐`The Mosquito Net

《基督与通奸》,1532年`Christ and the Adulteress, 1532 by Lucas Cranach the Elder

《基督与通奸》,1532年`Christ and the Adulteress, 1532 by Lucas Cranach the Elder



女孩织补`Girl Darning by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

女孩织补`Girl Darning by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

阿德莱德山附近的原住民营地`An Aboriginal Encampment near the Adelaide Hills by Alexander Schramm

阿德莱德山附近的原住民营地`An Aboriginal Encampment near the Adelaide Hills by Alexander Schramm

Flower Girls (1901)  by Edward Atkinson Hornel

花女孩` Flower Girls (1901) by Edward Atkinson Hornel

西皮奥的节制,1710年`The Continence of Scipio, 1710 by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

西皮奥的节制,1710年`The Continence of Scipio, 1710 by Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini

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