现代油画是什么 组图

娜塔莉亚·冈沙洛娃和米哈伊尔·拉里奥诺夫的肖像`Portrait of Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov by Aleksei Morgunov

娜塔莉亚·冈沙洛娃和米哈伊尔·拉里奥诺夫的肖像`Portrait of Natalia Goncharova and Mikhail Larionov by Aleksei Morgunov

源头的力量`Power of the Source by Jacek Malczewski

源头的力量`Power of the Source by Jacek Malczewski

下午在巴黎克鲁尼花园`Afternoon In The Cluny Garden, Paris

下午在巴黎克鲁尼花园`Afternoon In The Cluny Garden, Paris

梅特斯太太和他一样`Mrs Musters as Hebe by Sir Joshua Reynolds

梅特斯太太和他一样`Mrs Musters as Hebe by Sir Joshua Reynolds

剧院大厅的硬纸板`A Theatre Lobby Cardboard by Jean-Louis Forain

剧院大厅的硬纸板`A Theatre Lobby Cardboard by Jean-Louis Forain

在床上亲吻`In Bed The Kiss

在床上亲吻`In Bed The Kiss

《雷的制造者》,1901年`The Lei Maker, 1901 by Theodore Wores

《雷的制造者》,1901年`The Lei Maker, 1901 by Theodore Wores

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