蒙古国水彩画作品 组图

秘密约会`The secret rendezvous by Pierre-Charles Comte

秘密约会`The secret rendezvous by Pierre-Charles Comte

许拉斯和水泽女仙`Hylas and the Nymphs by John William Waterhouse

许拉斯和水泽女仙`Hylas and the Nymphs by John William Waterhouse

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

无罪,1891年`Innocence, 1891 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

无罪,1891年`Innocence, 1891 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

拿破仑加冕礼的策划`Planning Of The Coronation Of Napoleon

拿破仑加冕礼的策划`Planning Of The Coronation Of Napoleon

戴着花的塔希提女子`Tahitian Woman with a Flower by Paul Gauguin

戴着花的塔希提女子`Tahitian Woman with a Flower by Paul Gauguin

船长和大副`The Captain and the Mate

船长和大副`The Captain and the Mate

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