购欧美式风景油画 组图

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

两个女人在洗衣服`A Couple Of Women Doing Laundry

两个女人在洗衣服`A Couple Of Women Doing Laundry

格特鲁德·桑福德肖像`Portrait of Getrude Sanford

格特鲁德·桑福德肖像`Portrait of Getrude Sanford

圣母加冕礼被天使和圣徒包围`The Coronation of the Virgin Surrounded by Angels and Saints by Old Master

圣母加冕礼被天使和圣徒包围`The Coronation of the Virgin Surrounded by Angels and Saints by Old Master

两个艺妓和一个醉醺醺的客户`Two Geishas and a Tipsy Client

两个艺妓和一个醉醺醺的客户`Two Geishas and a Tipsy Client

《女子与孩子》,1560年`The Virgin and Child, 1560 by Marcellus Coffermans

《女子与孩子》,1560年`The Virgin and Child, 1560 by Marcellus Coffermans

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

古典美`A classical Beauty by Leon Comerre

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