廊道水彩画 组图

1650年,阿西西的圣方济各和帕多瓦的安东尼与圣徒共同受孕`The Immaculate Conception with Saints Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua, 1650 by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione

1650年,阿西西的圣方济各和帕多瓦的安东尼与圣徒共同受孕`The Immaculate Conception with Saints Francis of Assisi and Anthony of Padua, 1650 by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione

盛宴`The Feast by Andrea Landini

盛宴`The Feast by Andrea Landini

豪森维尔伯爵夫人`Comtesse d\’ Haussonville

豪森维尔伯爵夫人`Comtesse d\’ Haussonville

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

缪斯,和平与艺术的寓言,1635-1638年`Muses, An Allegory of Peace and the Arts, 1635-1638 by Artemisia Gentileschi

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

波浪模糊了`The Wave-La Vague by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

信使号,1946年`Messenger, 1946 by Nicholas Roerich

信使号,1946年`Messenger, 1946 by Nicholas Roerich

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

一位戴着水仙花的女士的肖像`Portrait of a Lady with Daffodil by Emile Eisman-Semenowsky

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