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在海滩上`On the Beach by Victor Laredo

在海滩上`On the Beach by Victor Laredo

再见亲爱的法国1561年8月15日`Farewell Dear France, 15 August 1561

再见亲爱的法国1561年8月15日`Farewell Dear France, 15 August 1561

女性裸体站立,三大猩猩研究,贝多芬雕带`Standing Female Nude, Study for the Three Gorgons, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

女性裸体站立,三大猩猩研究,贝多芬雕带`Standing Female Nude, Study for the Three Gorgons, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

罗马的胜利`A Roman Triumph by Peter Paul Rubens

罗马的胜利`A Roman Triumph by Peter Paul Rubens

工作中断`Work Interrupted

工作中断`Work Interrupted

维多利亚女王遗孀画像`Portrait Of Queen Victoria As A Widow

维多利亚女王遗孀画像`Portrait Of Queen Victoria As A Widow

莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner by Unknown

莫德·瓦格纳`Maud Wagner by Unknown

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