ins风景简单油画 组图

浇花花(Linde Frieze)`
Girls watering Flowers (The Linde Frieze) (1904)  by Edvard Munch

浇花花(Linde Frieze)` Girls watering Flowers (The Linde Frieze) (1904) by Edvard Munch

保龄球馆`The Bowling Alley by Johann Hamza

保龄球馆`The Bowling Alley by Johann Hamza

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Frederic Bazille

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Frederic Bazille

被祝福的少女`The Blessed Damozel by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

被祝福的少女`The Blessed Damozel by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

婚纱`The Wedding Dress by Thomas Benjamin Kennington

婚纱`The Wedding Dress by Thomas Benjamin Kennington

菲利帕·科宁斯比夫人`Lady Philippa Coningsby

菲利帕·科宁斯比夫人`Lady Philippa Coningsby

婚礼盛宴丘比特和普赛克`Wedding Feast, Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

婚礼盛宴丘比特和普赛克`Wedding Feast, Cupid and Psyche by Giulio Romano

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