俄罗斯艺术家风景油画 组图

跳蚤捕手`The Flea Catcher by Georges de La Tour

跳蚤捕手`The Flea Catcher by Georges de La Tour

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

恶魔女士`Lady Demon by Paul Klee

恶魔女士`Lady Demon by Paul Klee

在家里,和平与安宁属于我们。`Requiem et Pacem Nobis Dom by Simeon Solomon

在家里,和平与安宁属于我们。`Requiem et Pacem Nobis Dom by Simeon Solomon

尤金·道恩夫人`Madame Eugene Doyen

尤金·道恩夫人`Madame Eugene Doyen

休息的女孩`Girl Resting by Jules Breton

休息的女孩`Girl Resting by Jules Breton

《圣母与圣子与天父祝福与天使》,1370-1375年`Madonna and Child with God the Father Blessing and Angels, 1370-1375 by Jacopo di Cione

《圣母与圣子与天父祝福与天使》,1370-1375年`Madonna and Child with God the Father Blessing and Angels, 1370-1375 by Jacopo di Cione

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