辉柏嘉的水彩画 组图

瓜达卢佩夫人,1780年`Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1780 by Nicolas Enriquez

瓜达卢佩夫人,1780年`Our Lady of Guadalupe, 1780 by Nicolas Enriquez

万紫千红`The Rose of all Roses by Wilhelm Menzler

万紫千红`The Rose of all Roses by Wilhelm Menzler

威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

威尼斯的一条街,1882年`A Street in Venice, 1882 by John Singer Sargent

在财富和爱情之间`Between Wealth and Love by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

在财富和爱情之间`Between Wealth and Love by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

乔治·斯温顿夫人,伊丽莎白·埃布斯沃斯,1897年`Mrs. George Swinton, Elizabeth Ebsworth, 1897 by John Singer Sargent

乔治·斯温顿夫人,伊丽莎白·埃布斯沃斯,1897年`Mrs. George Swinton, Elizabeth Ebsworth, 1897 by John Singer Sargent

午餐后,法国`After the Luncheon, France by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

午餐后,法国`After the Luncheon, France by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

伊莎贝尔·德·波塞尔肖像`Portrait of Isabel de Porcel

伊莎贝尔·德·波塞尔肖像`Portrait of Isabel de Porcel

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