平湖油画 组图

蓝色贝雷帽`The blue Beret by Harold Harvey

蓝色贝雷帽`The blue Beret by Harold Harvey

邪恶之花`Fleurs du Mal

邪恶之花`Fleurs du Mal

十二位天使,神秘的诞生`Twelve Angels, Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli

十二位天使,神秘的诞生`Twelve Angels, Mystic Nativity by Sandro Botticelli

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

S.o.S,1916年`S.o.s, 1916 by Evelyn De Morgan

S.o.S,1916年`S.o.s, 1916 by Evelyn De Morgan

年轻的奥斯曼帝国`Young Ottoman by Theodoros Ralli

年轻的奥斯曼帝国`Young Ottoman by Theodoros Ralli

穿着薄纱衬衫和黑色裙子的女人`Woman in Tulle Blouse and Black Skirt by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

穿着薄纱衬衫和黑色裙子的女人`Woman in Tulle Blouse and Black Skirt by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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