法式油画图像 组图

通告`Annunciation by Jan van Eyck

通告`Annunciation by Jan van Eyck

走钢丝`Tight-Rope Walker by Jean-Louis Forain

走钢丝`Tight-Rope Walker by Jean-Louis Forain

毕业舞会之后`After the Prom

毕业舞会之后`After the Prom

阿格里皮纳和日耳曼库斯,1614年`Agrippina and Germanicus, 1614 by Peter Paul Rubens

阿格里皮纳和日耳曼库斯,1614年`Agrippina and Germanicus, 1614 by Peter Paul Rubens

乔斯特的春晚`Spring Evening in Jolster by Nikolai Astrup

乔斯特的春晚`Spring Evening in Jolster by Nikolai Astrup

教母的花园`The Garden of the Godmother by Marie-Francis Firmin-Girard

教母的花园`The Garden of the Godmother by Marie-Francis Firmin-Girard

爱的年轻梦想`Love\’s Young Dream by Jennie Augusta Brownscombe

爱的年轻梦想`Love\’s Young Dream by Jennie Augusta Brownscombe

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