枫丹白露油画连衣裙 组图

阳伞`The Parasol by Richard Miller

阳伞`The Parasol by Richard Miller

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

锦标赛`The Tournament by George Wesley Bellows

锦标赛`The Tournament by George Wesley Bellows

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

查尔斯·凯特韦尔夫人,女演员`Mrs Charles Kettlewell, actress by Frederick Goodall

麦当娜和耶稣的孩子`Madonna and Jesus Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

麦当娜和耶稣的孩子`Madonna and Jesus Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

圣母玛利亚纯洁的心`Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary by Old Master

圣母玛利亚纯洁的心`Immaculate Heart of Virgin Mary by Old Master

女性躯干石膏模特,1887年`Plaster Cast of a Woman\’s Torso, 1887 by Vincent van Gogh

女性躯干石膏模特,1887年`Plaster Cast of a Woman\’s Torso, 1887 by Vincent van Gogh

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