油画家杨国新作品图片 组图

简·莫里斯肖像`Portrait of Jane Morris by Dante Gabriele Rossetti

简·莫里斯肖像`Portrait of Jane Morris by Dante Gabriele Rossetti

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

节日笔记`Tanabata Festival

节日笔记`Tanabata Festival

死亡,1893年`Fatality, 1893 by Jan Toorop

死亡,1893年`Fatality, 1893 by Jan Toorop

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

伊丽莎白·巴乔芬·埃希特男爵夫人画像,1914-1916年`Portrait of Baroness Elisabeth Bachofen Echt, 1914-1916 by Gustav Klimt

早上好,达科他州`Handsome Morning, A Dakota by Harry C Edwards

早上好,达科他州`Handsome Morning, A Dakota by Harry C Edwards

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图3`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.3 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图3`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.3 by Giulio Romano

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