油画大师笔下男裸作品 组图

晚上的餐桌`A Dinner Table at Night

晚上的餐桌`A Dinner Table at Night

公园里的夏日`Summer Day in the Park by Leo Putz

公园里的夏日`Summer Day in the Park by Leo Putz

改信`Changing the Letter by Joseph Southall

改信`Changing the Letter by Joseph Southall

明尼苏达州第一场雪`First Snow, Minnesota

明尼苏达州第一场雪`First Snow, Minnesota

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

对死去的基督的哀悼`The Lamentation Over The Dead Christ

对死去的基督的哀悼`The Lamentation Over The Dead Christ

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

一位女士的肖像,1490年`Portrait of a Lady, 1490 by Domenico Ghirlandaio

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