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奥普詹·科皮特的肖像`Portrait of Oopjen Coppit

奥普詹·科皮特的肖像`Portrait of Oopjen Coppit

神圣的家庭,基督在真理的膝上`The Holy Family, Christ in the Lap of Truth by William Blake

神圣的家庭,基督在真理的膝上`The Holy Family, Christ in the Lap of Truth by William Blake

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

一个女人的头,·Head of a Woman, 19th century by Odilon Redon

弗雷德里克·米德夫人`Mrs Frederick Mead

弗雷德里克·米德夫人`Mrs Frederick Mead

女人和吉他`Woman And Guitar

女人和吉他`Woman And Guitar

那不勒斯美女`Neapolitan Beauties by Vittoreo Matteo Corcos

那不勒斯美女`Neapolitan Beauties by Vittoreo Matteo Corcos

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

《干树的圣母》,1465年`The Virgin of the dry Tree, 1465 by Petrus Christus

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