**山如画油画作品 组图

迟到者`The Latecomers by Albert Guillaume

迟到者`The Latecomers by Albert Guillaume

穿白衬衫的女孩`Girl In White Chemise

穿白衬衫的女孩`Girl In White Chemise

在塞维利亚庭院里的对话`Conversation in a Sevillian Courtyard by Jose Jimenez y Aranda

在塞维利亚庭院里的对话`Conversation in a Sevillian Courtyard by Jose Jimenez y Aranda

阿喀琉斯之怒`The Anger of Achilles by Jacques Louis David

阿喀琉斯之怒`The Anger of Achilles by Jacques Louis David

来自丹吉尔的犹太女子`Jewish Woman From Tangier

来自丹吉尔的犹太女子`Jewish Woman From Tangier

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

伊萨克和丽贝卡夫妇的肖像,被称为犹太桥`Portrait of a Couple as Issac and Rebecca Known as the Jewish Bridge

拿破仑战败`Napoleon in Defeat by Francois Flameng

拿破仑战败`Napoleon in Defeat by Francois Flameng

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