欧洲油画作品多人物 组图

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

五个怪诞的脑袋和三个侧面的男人脑袋`Five Grotesque heads, and three Heads of men in profile by Leonardo da Vinci

忠实的加冕者`The Faithful Crowned by Joseph John

忠实的加冕者`The Faithful Crowned by Joseph John

卡图尔·门德斯、胡格特、克劳丁和海利恩的女儿,1888年`The Daughters of Catulle Mendes, Huguette, Claudine and Helyonne, 1888 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

卡图尔·门德斯、胡格特、克劳丁和海利恩的女儿,1888年`The Daughters of Catulle Mendes, Huguette, Claudine and Helyonne, 1888 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

安达卢西亚夫人`Our lady of Andalusia by Julio Romero de Torres

安达卢西亚夫人`Our lady of Andalusia by Julio Romero de Torres

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

结束`Winding Up

结束`Winding Up

Two Women at the Table (1915~17)  by Edvard Munch

两名妇女在桌子上` Two Women at the Table (1915~17) by Edvard Munch

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