梅花油画画作品欣赏 组图

独木舟,塔希提家族,1896年`Canoe, Tahitian Family, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

独木舟,塔希提家族,1896年`Canoe, Tahitian Family, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

1899年春天的女人`Women at the Spring, 1899 by Paul Serusier

1899年春天的女人`Women at the Spring, 1899 by Paul Serusier

法国喜剧演员`The French Comedians

法国喜剧演员`The French Comedians

第一朵云`The First Cloud

第一朵云`The First Cloud

An exhibition of selected skills of the unemployed Div. of Womens and Professional Projects (1936)  by Richard Halls

妇女的失业者所选技能展览。理查德大厅的S和专业项目` An exhibition of selected skills of the unemployed Div. of Womens and Professional Projects (1936) by Richard Halls

灯光下的年轻女子`Young Woman In Lamplight

灯光下的年轻女子`Young Woman In Lamplight

亚当和夏娃被赶出天堂`Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise

亚当和夏娃被赶出天堂`Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise

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