田园风景油画风人物 组图

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

一个拿着一本音乐书的女人的肖像`Portrait of a Woman with a Book of Music

安琪尔,1887年`Angel, 1887 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

安琪尔,1887年`Angel, 1887 by Abbott Handerson Thayer

读《古兰经》的年轻女孩`Young Girl Reading the Quran by Osman Hamdi Bey

读《古兰经》的年轻女孩`Young Girl Reading the Quran by Osman Hamdi Bey

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

艺术家妻子的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Wife by Akseli Gallen-Kallela

奥德修斯和诺西卡的会面,1640年`The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa, 1640 by Jacob Jordaens

奥德修斯和诺西卡的会面,1640年`The Meeting of Odysseus and Nausicaa, 1640 by Jacob Jordaens

黄色的`Amarilla by Frederic Leighton

黄色的`Amarilla by Frederic Leighton

露天早餐`Open Air Breakfast

露天早餐`Open Air Breakfast

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