法国大**世界名画 组图

Two Girls in Front of Birch Trees (c.1905)  by Paula Modersohn-Becker

桦树前面的两个女孩` Two Girls in Front of Birch Trees (c.1905) by Paula Modersohn-Becker

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

这位艺术家的妻子卡罗琳·弗里德里希在德累斯顿的工作室里`The Artist\’s Wife Caroline Friedrich In His Studio In Dresden

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

中央公园购物中心`The Mall, Central Park by Maurice Prendergast

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

阿斯伯里公园`Asbury Park

阿斯伯里公园`Asbury Park

《通告》,1742年`The Annunciation, 1742 by Agostino Masucci

《通告》,1742年`The Annunciation, 1742 by Agostino Masucci

在竞选中`On Campaign

在竞选中`On Campaign

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