人物油画入门教学视频教程 组图

盛宴`The Feast by Andrea Landini

盛宴`The Feast by Andrea Landini

创造者`The Creator by Paul Klee

创造者`The Creator by Paul Klee

坐在轿子里的英国大使的女儿`The Daughter of the English Ambassador Riding in a Palanquin

坐在轿子里的英国大使的女儿`The Daughter of the English Ambassador Riding in a Palanquin

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

1545年,威尼斯妇女在厕所`Venetian Women at their Toilet, 1545 by Paris Bordon

天使之歌`The Song of the Angels by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

天使之歌`The Song of the Angels by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

裸女斜倚`Nude Woman Reclining by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

裸女斜倚`Nude Woman Reclining by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

网球比赛,卢森堡花园,1906年`Game of Tennis, Luxembourg Gardens, 1906 by Samuel John Peploe

网球比赛,卢森堡花园,1906年`Game of Tennis, Luxembourg Gardens, 1906 by Samuel John Peploe

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