油画风景写生创作教案 组图

1834年,阿尔及尔的女人们在她们的公寓里`Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, 1834 by Eugene Delacroix

1834年,阿尔及尔的女人们在她们的公寓里`Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, 1834 by Eugene Delacroix

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午,黄色房间,1910年弗雷德里克·卡尔·弗里塞克`Afternoon, Yellow Room, 1910 by Frederick Carl Frieseke by Frederick Carl Frieseke

显微镜`The Microscope

显微镜`The Microscope

朱迪斯与赫罗弗尼斯`Judith and Holofernes by Pedro Americo

朱迪斯与赫罗弗尼斯`Judith and Holofernes by Pedro Americo



玛格丽特·凯布尔·盖奇肖像`Portrait of Margaret Kemble Gage

玛格丽特·凯布尔·盖奇肖像`Portrait of Margaret Kemble Gage

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

埃及卢浮宫和狮身人面像`Egyptian Room of Louvre and Great Sphinx by Guillaume Larrue

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